
In Collaboration With

The International Connection Program Of

The Dashew International Center Of Students And Scholars

Who Are We:

Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA-UCLA) is a UCLA based, mainland Chinese centered organization that promotes understanding and exchange between the Chinese and non-Chinese communities, and provides social and cultural programs among all students at UCLA. With more than 1000 members, CSSA-UCLA is the largest Chinese community in West Los Angeles.

What are the main purposes of the Program:

  • Make friends from many different cultural backgrounds.
  • Appreciate the beauty of various civilization and national heritage.
  • Get to know the latest development of foreign countries from real people.
  • Open one's mind, communicate and have fun!

Our motivation comes from the communication among multiple cultures.

Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. She gave birth to a people who are hard working, creative and enduring; she produced a great number of finest philosophers, musicians, craftsmen and scientists; she cultivated excellent literature; she told endless stories; she is the witness of a great civilization born on the banks of Yellow River, whose people have nowadays traveled to every corner of the world, learning new ideas as they always did, and offering all that they know how.

CSSA is a self-organized student organization whose members mainly come from prestigious universities in China. These students are well educated in the Chinese language, literature, history and philosophy, and are anxious of what students from other cultural backgrounds have to offer. CSSA has thus established a language exchange program to provide an environment for cultural communications. Whether you are seriously interested in Chinese culture or just want to make some new friends, this language exchange program offers you wonderful opportunities through partner matching and regular group activities. Chinese students will find the program an eye-opening experience in the sense of meeting people from different cultural backgrounds.

How Do We Collaborate With The ICP Program Of The Dashew Int'l Center:

The ICP (www.intl.ucla.edu/ICP/index.html) is a program for UCLA international students and scholars to have a connection with another UCLA student or a member of the LA community (called an Ambassador). CSSA is working together with ICP coordinators to make one joint program. All participants in this joint program need ONLY to fill out the official ICP application form (either the international students and scholars form or the Ambassador form). Pairs will be matched by the ICP program coordinators, and those containing Chinese students and scholars will be automatically registered at CSSA as well. Besides the regular activities organized by ICP, CSSA will be hosting more events related to Chinese cultural background.

What Are The Activities We Propose:

  • Pair people up with matched interests
  • Parties with games and talk shows
  • Social events in small groups (movie, musical and watching sports game, etc.)
  • Seminars on various interesting cultural and social topics, given by prestigious speakers
  • Cultural festivals, exhibitions, art shows

Join the Program:

  1. Write an email to the program coordinator Richard Luo (luochang@ucla.edu).
    • In the email please include the following information: Your name, gender, email and telephone number.
  2. Your will recieve confirmation email and subsequent email annoucements on the coming program acitivities.